How encryption works?

2024-08-26 Mon 12:07

Encryption looks like this

"Your own Instagram, encrypted."







Same for your photos, and these encrypted-nobody-can-understand things are saved in server.

2024-08-26 Mon 12:05

How encryption works in uses the same encryption algorithms (OpenPGP) as Proton email, you can check the details here. And this is how does the encryption:

When you sign up:

  1. Your device generates a public & private key pair.
  2. Then your device encrypts the private key with your password;
  3. Then your device sends your username, public key, encrypted private key to server;

Your password never leaves your device!

When you sign in:

  1. Your device makes a request with your username to get your public key, encrypted private key, and a challenge encrypted with your public key;
  2. Your device decrypts the encrypted private key with your password;
  3. Then it uses the decrypted private key to decrypt the challenge, and send the decrypted challenge to server;
  4. Server checks if the challenge is solved, if yes, it will return an access token and a refresh token back to your device, and you are logged in.

So again, your password never leaves your device!!

When you create a note:

  1. Your device generates a strong password;
  2. Then your device encrypts the texts and files with this password;
  3. Then your device encrypts this password with your public key;
  4. Then your device sends the encrypted texts, the encrypted files and the encrypted password to server;

When you fetch a note from server:

  1. Your device gets the encrypted texts, encrypted files and the encrypted password from server;
  2. Your device decrypts the encrypted password with your private key;
  3. Then your device decrypts the encrypted texts or files with the decrypted password;

Check the source code, let me know if you have feedback.

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